The average house price on BARONESS CLOSE is £153,205
The most expensive house in the street is 10 BARONESS CLOSE with an estimated value of £189,722
The cheapest house in the street is 5 BARONESS CLOSE with an estimated value of £118,797
The house which was most recently sold was 9 BARONESS CLOSE, this sold on 15 Oct 2021 for £130,000
The postcode for BARONESS CLOSE is HU6 9UB
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
3 BARONESS CLOSE Semi-Detached , 50 m2 £148,856 £114,000 24 Mar 2017
4 BARONESS CLOSE Semi-Detached , 75 m2 £175,290 £54,950 20 Dec 2001
5 BARONESS CLOSE Semi-Detached £118,797 £46,500 5 Dec 2002
9 BARONESS CLOSE Semi-Detached , 65 m2 £144,907 £130,000 15 Oct 2021
10 BARONESS CLOSE Semi-Detached , 56 m2 £189,722 £109,000 8 Sep 2011
12 BARONESS CLOSE Semi-Detached , 56 m2 £136,809 £102,000 23 Aug 2016
14 BARONESS CLOSE Semi-Detached £158,059 £59,500 1 Oct 2002